Don’t Let the “What If’s” of Traveling Solo Hold You Back!


Traveling solo can be an enriching and affirming experience. It can also be filled with worry and anxiety if we let self-doubt cloud our journey.

Take on the ‘what if’s’ by planning ahead and putting yourself in charge of the resolutions to possible problems. Consider worst case scenarios and mentally problem solve in advance.

Those nagging worries, from the silly to the serious, can be addressed. Think ahead to what you would do if that worry becomes a reality, then let that worry rest.

Here are a few worries I have heard from fellow travelers and some I have experienced myself.

What If I Get Lost and Can’t Find My Way Back to My Hotel, Apartment or Cruise Ship?

When heading out the door for a walk or run, a bite for breakfast or a day of sightseeing, getting disoriented can happen.

Possible Resolution: First, if you are staying at a hotel, pick up their business card at the reception desk so you have their phone number and address.

Next, whether you are at a hotel or a homestay, along with mentally making note of your twists and turns, use your smart phone to take photos of landmarks or street signs at strategic turns or at the metro stop where you emerge to help you backtrack.

This strategy worked well for me, except that one time in Helsinki when my landmark, a Ferris wheel, was dismantled during the day. These things happen.

If you are comfortable with smart phone GPS apps, there are some that can be used offline. Also, hand-held GPS devices can now be rented for reasonable day rates. Having said all that, a single-page paper map of your neighborhood, stuffed in your back pocket, is a great stand-by when all else fails.

What If I Lose My Keys and Can’t Get Back in My Room or Apartment?

If you are in a large hotel, this is a pretty easy fix. You may have a short delay in getting to your room, but a desk clerk will likely ask for identification and then provide a rekeyed entry card.

If you have rented a homestay, this can be a serious concern as the property manager or owner may not be immediately available. I’ve also noticed that some small boutique hotels in Europe do not have a 24-hour desk.

If you have nightmares about standing keyless outside your door, in the dark and cold of a strange city, consider ahead of time what your options would be.

As you acquaint yourself with your neighborhood, check on where your closest help might be. Is there a nearby neighborhood police station? Is there a hotel or two in reasonable walking distance?

You may be spending money you didn’t intend to spend, but you have identified options for a safe and comfortable night until morning comes and you can make contact with the management of your temporary home.

What If I Get Lonely Traveling Alone?

Traveling solo is a great way to get to know yourself better. Although you will likely benefit from the challenges and introspection solo travel brings with it, there are times it is more enjoyable to do activities with a group.

Do some research in advance of your trip. What activities might you want to do with a group? Check for local organizations or clubs that share your interests. Reach out to them and they may welcome you.

During an extended stay in Paris, I contacted a hiking group and was welcomed to hike with them through the Versailles Forest. It gave me an opportunity to get in a good hike and share that activity with Paris locals who knew the trails and could point out interesting aspects of the forest. is one of a number of online sites that can give you access to a myriad of activities and likeminded people in locations around the globe.

Does working through potential travel pitfalls in advance relax your travel? Have you experienced any of the above “what ifs” and how did you meet the challenge? What are the “what if” worries on your solo travel list? Please share in the comments below.

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